Live Webinar

Solving the Development-EPC Handover Once and For All

What you will learn?

When faced with tricky terrains, having highly detailed topography data is key to ensuring bankability and accurately bidding on your solar project. The earlier and better data you get, the better you can estimate your CAPEX. Having smooth handovers between development, engineering, or construction teams can help you reduce costs. Over this 45-minute live session you'll learn how to:

  • Bring Sitemark’s aerial drone data to pvDesign and perform topographic analysis. Discard structures and perform earthworks for faster prospecting.
  • Get a set of comprehensive technical documents ready for your off-taker or polish them in your preferred CAD software.
  • Plug the layout into Sitemark to remotely track the construction progress to completion.

Is this webinar for you?

We talk in particular to:

  • EPCs
  • Asset Owners


headshot Stan

Stanislas van der Vaeren



Natalia Opie

Customer Success Manager

Hosted by

Sitemark logoRatedPower
